Register for the 15th USA India Business Summit [UIBS] and 30th Georgia Tech Global Business Forum [GTGBF]
Please complete form below to register:
Name:* Email:*
City:* State:*
Zip/Postal:* Country:*
Telephone:* Website:
Person(s) Attending:
(Enter spouse and/or other attendee's name above)

Note: you will receive a confirmation email for your registration after your credit card is successfully charged. Please save this email for your record as well as an evidence for your registration. NO paper tickets are being mailed separately.
Refund Policy: All registrations are final and no refunds will be available. When you register for this event using the "Buy Now" button, you are agreeing to have your credit card billed for the amount authorized for payment, and you understand that this transaction is not subject to cancellation.
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